Olive Tree Color Scheme Contest

Olive Tree’s Bible Reader software for the iPhone can be highly customized to obtain many different looks. David Trotz has agreed to allow users to submit their favorite color schemes to be used as future installation default color schemes. Click here to see favorite color schemes entered so far. 

If you would like to share your favorite look as a submission, simply fill out the form below with your settings. After completing the form, grab a screen shot and attach it to me in an email

For Best Results: Snap a screenshot from your phone by pressing the Home button and the OFF/ON key at the same time. Next connect the phone to the computer with the USB cable and browse the phone’s directory stucture to the PNG image. Attach that image to the email. Mailing the image from the phone itself will convert the image to a JPG file, which is fine as well, but the PNG file seems clearer.