Replacing Chess Pieces

House of Chess will attempt to use the following four images in the rolling Gallery below (and perhaps the banner image of this article) to color-match replacements for two of my “White” chess pieces — the White King and the White Castle. There are actually pieces from three different sets below. You can see brighter white pawns to the right and left sides (from two more-recent sets) against this aged set’s pieces in the center and in the background. The middle pieces (and background pieces) are from a 4″ Monarch Staunton Style set — natural Rosewood and Boxwood. As you can see from the photographs, the King suffers a chipped off piece of the cross at the top; and the Castle has an indention from a dog that thought it was a chew toy. 

Problem is … This set was purchased around the year 2004, and I’m kind of worried about the replacement pieces matching in color.  It may be my imagination, but I think these pieces may have darkened, and/or “yellowed” some.   It’s a beautiful set — very heavy.  You can see two group of pawns from newer sets I have — their “white” boxwood is much brighter and lighter. 

Anyway, House of Chess has made an offer to replace the white King and Castle for $20.00 — including postage.  Nice. 🙂

We’ll see how this story unfolds. 

Larger photos can be seen by clicking on one of the images above. 

Again, realize that there are pieces from 3 different sets in the photo — with different colors for “White”.  I’m wanting to replace the two pieces that are shown in the middle group (yellowest color) of the damaged King and Castle. 

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